Well this was it.... the hardest run to date. I ran 20 miles this past Saturday, and it just sounds scary, doesn't it? I was really nervous, but I'm so happy I did it.
We met at 7 am as usual, and it was pretty chilly. Decided I need to get myself some gloves sometime this week. Anyway, Lucy and Wendy were both there, and so was Brian, who is also running Kiawah. We all started out together, but at about mile 7 or 8 Lucy and I fell back a little bit. We run at a slower pace, and we've gotten pretty tuned into each other's running style. We don't talk a lot while running (besides ocassionally cursing the general state of our bodies), but we just know when the other person is hurting or needs to stop to stretch. We were both fighting some major pains on Saturday, so we took plenty of stretch breaks along the way. It's funny, because I've had to change my mentality about stopping and stretching as I've been training. I used to think that stopping was giving up, I planned to stop for water breaks and that's it. Well, I'm not trying to qualify for Boston, and I've decided that I'll stop whenever and wherever I need to. Ha.
Lucy and I did alright, but it was not a fun run from about mile 16 on. All the usual aches and pains were present and accounted for, plus some new ones. It was funny because Jay, one of our coaches, was on his bike so he could cycle around and find everyone (there were 4 of us doing 20, some doing 18, 16, 12, etc.) . For the whole run Lucy and I were smiling and telling him that we were hurting, but we were doing great, yada yada yada. Well flashforward to the last 2.5 miles, Jay saw us and pulled over to where we were to check in. I think I said something along the lines of, "This is miserable and we are not having fun". Haha, poor Jay. He told us to take it easy on our way back in, we were so close and it would be over before we knew it.
The coaches were right once again, they really know their stuff. We came in and were trying to stretch out some of the pain. Really, it was the worst. My hips literally felt like they were expanding, my feet hurt, my knees... all of it. Jay convinced me to try an ice bath when I got home, and I was actually looking forward to it, which should give you a good idea about how desperate I was. I came home and pulled on a sweatshirt, sat in the tub, and then called Katie so she could take my mind off the frigid water. The coaches said that cold water would be enough, I wouldn't need ice, but I would have to sit in the tub while it filled up or I would never actually get in. I screamed a little bit, my toes turned a light shade of purple, but it was totally worth it. I honestly don't think I would have been able to walk on Sunday if I hadn't soaked for awhile.
I just really appreciate my coaches and my teammates. I know that I wouldn't be able to do this without their encouragement, their advice, and their friendship. This experience has been such a blessing. We had a little party on Sunday afternoon, in celebration of Lindsay, our honored patient. She had a check-up this week and her blood counts are the best they have ever been, she is thankfully extremely healthy. It just makes me realize that there are so many things that are bigger than myself. If this little girl can go through chemo, if millions of people can fight this terrible disease, well than I can run 26.2 miles.
"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained." - Marie Curie
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
less than a month away
Hi everyone! Yeah, you read it right.... I'm less than a month away from race day! Ah, can you even believe it? I was thinking about it today, and it feels like I've been training forever! I'm really excited about it, and I can't believe that I'm almost there.
We had a recovery week after the 18, and I ran 12 on Saturday. 12 used to be big and intimidating to me, so it was almost laughable that I was calling it my recovery run. Anyway, we all ran uptown (which is actually downtown Charlotte for all of you who don't live here, don't ask because I have no idea), and it was an absolutely beautiful day. My run wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great from about 8 miles on. My knee was killing me and I just felt exhausted, which became very frustrating seeing as how this was supposed to be an easier run.
I think I've decided that it helps me to be slightly terrified before my long run. Kind of like when you're working under a deadline, and you're not sure you're going to make it, you perform better. Before my 18 miler, I felt like I was about to take a midterm I was completely unprepared for... very nervous, but it went alright. I guess I knew it was going to be awful, I was ready for it to be awful, and in the end it wasn't as awful as I had expected. Ha. So I'm thinking the moral of the story is to never overestimate myself (or my joints), and not to get too comfortable.
I don't think I'll have a problem being scared this weekend, I've got 20 miles on Saturday! Yikes!! This will be the highest mileage I will run before race day, so that is really exciting/unbelievable all at the same time. I ran yesterday, and I was sore and iced after, so I'm not sure if I'll run tomorrow, Thursday, even though it's supposed to be my last work out day before the long run. Lately I've had to really back off on the running during the week, my body is just too sore. I don't mean my muscles are tight, because they are, but it's more that my knees and hips get really tight, and my arch on my left foot just feels pulled all the time (probably is). But other than those three areas I'm great :)
I'm excited to see how it goes on Saturday.... wish me luck!
A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

With my Dad in this one, and with Wendy to the right. This is after our run on Saturday, everyone was hanging out at Owen's Bagels, and Lindsay and her family were there too. Lindsay is our little honored patient hero (little because she's about 4 years old), and it is such a great encouragement to see her! Wendy has quickly become one of my very favorite people to run with, she's the best. Thanks to Colleen for these pics!
We had a recovery week after the 18, and I ran 12 on Saturday. 12 used to be big and intimidating to me, so it was almost laughable that I was calling it my recovery run. Anyway, we all ran uptown (which is actually downtown Charlotte for all of you who don't live here, don't ask because I have no idea), and it was an absolutely beautiful day. My run wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great from about 8 miles on. My knee was killing me and I just felt exhausted, which became very frustrating seeing as how this was supposed to be an easier run.
I think I've decided that it helps me to be slightly terrified before my long run. Kind of like when you're working under a deadline, and you're not sure you're going to make it, you perform better. Before my 18 miler, I felt like I was about to take a midterm I was completely unprepared for... very nervous, but it went alright. I guess I knew it was going to be awful, I was ready for it to be awful, and in the end it wasn't as awful as I had expected. Ha. So I'm thinking the moral of the story is to never overestimate myself (or my joints), and not to get too comfortable.
I don't think I'll have a problem being scared this weekend, I've got 20 miles on Saturday! Yikes!! This will be the highest mileage I will run before race day, so that is really exciting/unbelievable all at the same time. I ran yesterday, and I was sore and iced after, so I'm not sure if I'll run tomorrow, Thursday, even though it's supposed to be my last work out day before the long run. Lately I've had to really back off on the running during the week, my body is just too sore. I don't mean my muscles are tight, because they are, but it's more that my knees and hips get really tight, and my arch on my left foot just feels pulled all the time (probably is). But other than those three areas I'm great :)
I'm excited to see how it goes on Saturday.... wish me luck!
A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

With my Dad in this one, and with Wendy to the right. This is after our run on Saturday, everyone was hanging out at Owen's Bagels, and Lindsay and her family were there too. Lindsay is our little honored patient hero (little because she's about 4 years old), and it is such a great encouragement to see her! Wendy has quickly become one of my very favorite people to run with, she's the best. Thanks to Colleen for these pics!
Monday, November 9, 2009
The big one-eight... can you believe it?
I have to say that I warned you... I failed to blog on time yet again. But I like to think that it's part of my charm. Maybe? Hahaha. I had a really lovely weekend up in Boone, visiting Appalachian and all my friends. It was really nice to get out of Charlotte for a bit, and to see so many wonderful people. They totally inspired me to run my 18 miler this past Sunday. But before I get to that, let me back up and tell you about what I've been doing.
On Halloween weekend I ran 16, which was the farthest yet. I was by myself, it was kind of raining, and it went really well. I just plugged into my ipod and did it! It took me 2 hours and 44 minutes, but it honestly didn't feel that long. Maybe that is God's little gift- when I finish a long run, I'm always kind of surprised that I actually ran for two straight hours, or whatever it was, I'm able to just zone out. I actually check my watch more when I'm at the gym or on a short run than I do on Saturday mornings. Anyway, it went really well, but I did have to stop and stretch about every 15-20 minutes during the last few miles. My knees have been getting really tight, and now so have my left foot and my hips. The streching really helps, it makes me feel really energized, until I have to stop again and stretch some more :)
All in all, I can't complain. And, I was able to go visit a good friend in Columbia, SC when it was all over. We went out for Halloween, and I was done after about two drinks, so maybe that's a good thing too... going out is much easier on my wallet!
Yesterday, Sunday, I ran the dreaded 18. Lucy from the Team waited to run it with me, and we headed out at about 7:40 that morning. It was freezing when we started, but it warmed up and turned into a really nice day. We made good time, coming in just under 3 hours. We did a lot of stretching stops in the last six miles, but it made me feel better that we both needed to stop, like my body wasn't the only one angry about all this running. It was funny, because I think I had little bursts of a runners high throughout- I would feel amazing and all the aches and pains would be under control, then I would have to stop and stretch, and then I'd feel great again. The funniest part is when you start running again after a stretch break- definitely the most pain ever. I decided it feels like I've just had two hip replacements and I'm wearing 15 lb. leg weights on both ankles... but then it goes away and all is well.
It's so much easier to run with someone else, even though Lucy and I both had our ipods in the whole time, it's just nicer. And afterwards we hobbled onto a bench to drink our recovery drinks and chat. It has been really great to have Lucy in this with me- we're the youngest, the unmarried, and some of the only participants without kids, so we've naturally gravitated towards one another. I was really happy she waited to run with me :)
In other exciting news, I'm just over $100 away from becoming a TNT Rockstar! Haha, that means that I have successfully raised $1,000 over the minimum. I'm hoping that I can bring in some donations before November 30th to reach that goal. How exciting!
Thanks for putting up with my irregular posting... hopefully what I write is amusing enough to make up for it.
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln
On Halloween weekend I ran 16, which was the farthest yet. I was by myself, it was kind of raining, and it went really well. I just plugged into my ipod and did it! It took me 2 hours and 44 minutes, but it honestly didn't feel that long. Maybe that is God's little gift- when I finish a long run, I'm always kind of surprised that I actually ran for two straight hours, or whatever it was, I'm able to just zone out. I actually check my watch more when I'm at the gym or on a short run than I do on Saturday mornings. Anyway, it went really well, but I did have to stop and stretch about every 15-20 minutes during the last few miles. My knees have been getting really tight, and now so have my left foot and my hips. The streching really helps, it makes me feel really energized, until I have to stop again and stretch some more :)
All in all, I can't complain. And, I was able to go visit a good friend in Columbia, SC when it was all over. We went out for Halloween, and I was done after about two drinks, so maybe that's a good thing too... going out is much easier on my wallet!
Yesterday, Sunday, I ran the dreaded 18. Lucy from the Team waited to run it with me, and we headed out at about 7:40 that morning. It was freezing when we started, but it warmed up and turned into a really nice day. We made good time, coming in just under 3 hours. We did a lot of stretching stops in the last six miles, but it made me feel better that we both needed to stop, like my body wasn't the only one angry about all this running. It was funny, because I think I had little bursts of a runners high throughout- I would feel amazing and all the aches and pains would be under control, then I would have to stop and stretch, and then I'd feel great again. The funniest part is when you start running again after a stretch break- definitely the most pain ever. I decided it feels like I've just had two hip replacements and I'm wearing 15 lb. leg weights on both ankles... but then it goes away and all is well.
It's so much easier to run with someone else, even though Lucy and I both had our ipods in the whole time, it's just nicer. And afterwards we hobbled onto a bench to drink our recovery drinks and chat. It has been really great to have Lucy in this with me- we're the youngest, the unmarried, and some of the only participants without kids, so we've naturally gravitated towards one another. I was really happy she waited to run with me :)
In other exciting news, I'm just over $100 away from becoming a TNT Rockstar! Haha, that means that I have successfully raised $1,000 over the minimum. I'm hoping that I can bring in some donations before November 30th to reach that goal. How exciting!
Thanks for putting up with my irregular posting... hopefully what I write is amusing enough to make up for it.
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln
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