We had a recovery week after the 18, and I ran 12 on Saturday. 12 used to be big and intimidating to me, so it was almost laughable that I was calling it my recovery run. Anyway, we all ran uptown (which is actually downtown Charlotte for all of you who don't live here, don't ask because I have no idea), and it was an absolutely beautiful day. My run wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great from about 8 miles on. My knee was killing me and I just felt exhausted, which became very frustrating seeing as how this was supposed to be an easier run.
I think I've decided that it helps me to be slightly terrified before my long run. Kind of like when you're working under a deadline, and you're not sure you're going to make it, you perform better. Before my 18 miler, I felt like I was about to take a midterm I was completely unprepared for... very nervous, but it went alright. I guess I knew it was going to be awful, I was ready for it to be awful, and in the end it wasn't as awful as I had expected. Ha. So I'm thinking the moral of the story is to never overestimate myself (or my joints), and not to get too comfortable.
I don't think I'll have a problem being scared this weekend, I've got 20 miles on Saturday! Yikes!! This will be the highest mileage I will run before race day, so that is really exciting/unbelievable all at the same time. I ran yesterday, and I was sore and iced after, so I'm not sure if I'll run tomorrow, Thursday, even though it's supposed to be my last work out day before the long run. Lately I've had to really back off on the running during the week, my body is just too sore. I don't mean my muscles are tight, because they are, but it's more that my knees and hips get really tight, and my arch on my left foot just feels pulled all the time (probably is). But other than those three areas I'm great :)
I'm excited to see how it goes on Saturday.... wish me luck!
A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

With my Dad in this one, and with Wendy to the right. This is after our run on Saturday, everyone was hanging out at Owen's Bagels, and Lindsay and her family were there too. Lindsay is our little honored patient hero (little because she's about 4 years old), and it is such a great encouragement to see her! Wendy has quickly become one of my very favorite people to run with, she's the best. Thanks to Colleen for these pics!
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